Why Do Dogs Mount and What to Do About It
Why Do Dogs Mount and What to Do About It
This unsavory dog behavior is commonly misunderstood and it is not about the dog exerting dominance or being sexually aroused.

It's Totally Normal
Especially for puppies. Puppies will try out a number of different behaviors during play that is out of functional context.
It's Arousal Based
And not in a sexual manner. Emotions from frustration, stimuli, excitement, and anxiety, for example, can manifest in mounting or humping.
Any Dog Might Do It
Male or female, female to female, male to male. It doesn't mean that mating is the motivation.
Possible Context
- Overstimulation/anxiety
- Play or social bond
- Attention-seeking
Here are some ideas that might help discourage the behavior.
- Neutering in male dogs can help deter mounting
- Redirect the attention with a toy or different activity
- Use recall "Come!"
- Attention exercises can help as well. "Watch me," or "Touch me"
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