Pet PREP Promotion

In addition to offering our PetTech Pet First Aid & CPR classes to the public, we also provide all of our classes free to all of our employees.
It is important to us to have all of our employees maintain their current training (taking the course every 2 years) to ensure all of our client's pets receive the best possible care during each and every visit.
The knowledge employees gain during these classes make them more aware of situations and symptoms to look for when caring for pets, aid in medication administration techniques and prepare them with knowledge and tools to respond to an emergency situation.
As learned in each class, the quick and proper response is the most important factor in improving the outcome during an emergency situation.
Becky's Pet Care offers educational classes for pet owners through our division called Pet PREP. Pet PREP is a class series offered at our Springfield and Herndon facilities. We also offer off-site opportunities at your location for a chance to learn Pet CPR training.