Benefits of In-Home Pet Care
Benefits of In-Home Care
As pet parents, we worry when we have to leave our furry family members home alone. Whether we are at work, travel, or just taking a day trip, the safety and well-being of our pets are always on our minds. Here are some great reasons why In-Home pet care benefits your pet and you as well!

Comfort of Pets
The sights, scents, and location of familiar household items help puts feel more at ease when they are allotted stay in their home. This is especially true of pets who have unfortunately experienced trauma in their lives. They have their food, medications (if any), bedding, toys, and your things with your scent to that remind them they are loved!
Going to a kennel can be a daunting feat and some times it takes pets a couple days before they are acclimated.

House Checkups & Deliveries
If you don't have a pet, scheduling house visits is still something we can offer. Since we are a time-based in-home pet care provider, you can schedule a visit to your home each day while you are away to:
Pick up mail
Put away any deliveries left on the door step
Water plants
Put out the trash
Have a presence at your home to deter potential burglaries. It is proven that if it appears that someone is checking in on your home, potential criminals are less likely to try a break-in.
And if you are employing us for the care of your pets, we are more than happy to help with any of the above household items during our visits.

Our software communication sends an email to you every day with an explanation of the visit happenings. It even allows us to send pictures, giving you further peace of mind while you are away.