"People" Food for Your Pet

Have you been caught tossing table scraps to your dog? With that pleading look in their eyes, it's sometimes hard not to!  

But sharing meals with your pooch can be okay. Many of the foods that are good for us are also good for our dogs, and the reverse is true too.

In other words, lean meats, whole grains, and vegetables are okay.  But don't empty your spaghetti, pizza or fries into his bowl!

Here are 10 foods that are good for your pet: 

  • Yogurt is a good source of available calcium and protein

  • Flax seed (ground or oil) is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential fatty acids that are good for skin and coat.

  • Pumpkin is a good source of fibre and beta carotene (a source of vitamin A).

  • Salmon is a fatty fish which is also a good source of omega- 3 fatty acids.

  • Green beans are a good source of plant fibre, vitamin K & vitamin C.

  • Sweet potatoes are another source of dietary fibre and contain vitamin B6, vitamin C & beta carotene.

  • Eggs are a great source of very digestible protein.

  • Apples are wonderful crunchy treats for your dog.

  • Oatmeal is a good source of soluble fibre.


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