Becky's Pet Care and Coronavirus Precautions

As we prepare for the impact of the Coronavirus, we want to share some important details about your service and the precautions we are taking to prevent the spread of germs. 

Cleanliness and safety have always been top priorities for Becky’s Pet Care and in this uncertain time, we are even more vigilant to ensure these standards.

First, we thank you for your continued trust in us. Our team remains dedicated to delivering high-quality pet care and we thank you for your support. 

Our Pet Care Professionals rely on their job at Becky’s Pet Care as their sole source of income. We are taking all precautions feasible so they can continue to safely care for your pets. 

We hope you will rely on us whether you are home teleworking, have children that have not returned to school, or have had some other change in your daily care routine. 

If you are self-quarantining, please contact us so we can discuss special needs.

Here is a summary of the safety protocols we are implementing, or that are in place that we are reminding our staff members of:

  1. We have asked each pet care professional to carry and use Antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer.  They have been instructed to use the hand sanitizer before entering a home and to wash their hands continually throughout the day.

  2. Our team has also been instructed to minimize touching any surface in your home.  They are only to touch needed supplies and materials, and to wipe the surfaces touched after use.

  3. If you have any antibacterial products you would like us to use, please leave them on your counter and update your client profile with instructions.

  4. We have reminded our team that when walking a dog, maintain a 6-foot distance or cross the street when approaching a person.

  5. If a team member has any symptoms, they are asked to communicate with their manager ASAP to have their work reassigned immediately.

Similar to the team members in the field, we have stringent protocols for the office team as our Pet Care Professionals visit our offices as well. 

  1. We have increased disinfecting standards such as wiping down all training rooms, meeting rooms, doorknobs and handles after use.

  2. We have implemented a policy of having each team member take all used items with them: Pens, paper, etc.

  3. Team members and guests visiting the office only use disposable products such as paper cups, paper plates, etc.

  4. Our contracted cleaning service will ensure they increase their nightly cleaning practices and disinfect all common spaces.

We thank you again for your trust.  These protocols are in place to ensure the safety of your home and pets through our thoughtful attention to disease-prevention measures.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Becky's Pet Care


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